Top Health Products

Monday, February 20, 2012

Natural Health Products - Where, What, Why and How

If you're new to natural health, you may be wondering what products to buy and where to purchase them, for the best quality and value. You'll also probably like to know what they can do for your health and how to take them.

If you're a seasoned natural health products user, you may be wondering how to extend your knowledge.

One of the best ways of getting your head around a new concept AND extending your knowledge is to subscribe to a good, regular ezine (online newsletter) which discusses various ailments, a multitude of the natural health products which will help resolve these symptoms, and the whereabouts of where you can purchase these, wherever you are in the world.

One of the best range of natural health products are homeopathic remedies. These are highly effective, low cost and easy to use. You can use the services of a professional homeopath to help deal with deep seated issues. And you can use some common remedies in the comfort of your own home, dealing with any ailments from a cold to a burn.

Homeopathy is a new concept to most people. You may not know what it is or how it works.

Learning anything new takes time. The best way is to learn a little at a time. This way, it becomes a part of live.

When I run classes on how to home prescribe, I encourage participants to practice on their families, in between classes. The following class always starts off with the excited chatter of how successful their efforts have been.

There's nothing quite as exciting as having your own personal success!

There are already more than 4,000 homeopathic remedies available and this is added to daily as more remedies become known about. As a home prescriber, only about 40 are available to you, but that's still a lot to get your head around when you don't know much!

Of all the natural health products available, from herbs to food, homeopathy is probably the most difficult for a newbie, as the concepts are so different from mainstream thinking.

So it's good to have a mentor, to help guide you through the maze.

Challenges are a great way to stretch your mind, but they can be overwhelming when you get stuck and don't know where to go for help.

Of all the natural health products about, I know of no other than homeopathy which can do so much good when you select the correct remedy, and do no harm if you get it wrong.

That's a mighty claim.

I just want to repeat it as it really is profound.

Do so much good...

... and do no harm.

What other natural health products can make that claim?

I know very little about herbs, aromatherapy, chiropractic (for example), other than they can be wonderful, and also harmful in the wrong hands.

What other health products can make that claim?

I know very little about medicine (and don't want to), other than it is mostly suppressive and works against your body's own innate healing powers. This means it comes at a price - twice.

Once as a high monetary cost, once in the harmful effect on your overall, long term health.

In my opinion, nothing comes close to homeopathy in the way it can resolve deep seated issues and long standing symptoms. The most difficult part is getting started. Once you've created that momentum, things click into place naturally.

If you liked this article, then I invite you to sign up for my free, weekly ezine on how to improve your health and that of your family, including pets, naturally. Included is a complementary ebook on how to naturally treat some common ailments at home, visit

How to Find Safe and Natural Health Products

Natural health has been a major concern for many with the advancement of research into various diseases at the turn of the century. For you who are interested in strengthening your body against disease and gaining optimum health, ensuring that the health products you use such as vitamins and food is a serious business.

From the very start, you must make sure that the natural health supplements you take are well-researched and that the company that is manufacturing such health products has a good reputation. They must be committed to excellence and possess the passion to provide the best researched and well-made products just for you.

Finding safe and natural health products is all about looking for the finest ingredients and a well-balanced combination of such. You ought to make sure that all the ingredients you need for your natural food supplement is in the product you are purchasing.

In addition, searching for safe health products is not about getting the cheapest ones in the market. Most of the time, the cheapest are not the best you can find. It is very reasonable to conduct a survey among nearby as well as online stores in order to compare prices and quality of natural health products.

When it comes to online health products stores, you should go for sites that have a good reputation and have spent more time in the business. Settling with a greenhorn will put you at risk of not getting the best natural health products you would want for you and your loved ones.

Before you bite into the ads you see on television and on the World Wide Web have a background check of the company that is manufacturing the product. Always be critical and focus your attention on detail. Read the fine prints on the ads so as to have a broader idea of what the product and the company is all about.

With all these in mind you can now be sure of what you are getting. Add in a little more research online and on various media such as health care magazines and journals plus consultation with friends as well as your physician and other health care professionals and you're well on your way to purchasing the natural health care products that best suit you and your family.

Hectic schedules, multitasking at home and at work, insufficient sleep, lack of nutrition in the diet, disorganized exercise routine, lack of time to take care of personal needs and numerous other stressors take their toll and drain you of overall energy. Striking a balance between emotion and action has now become a challenge.

Finding supplements such as safe and natural health care products is vital to healthy modern living. For these products, you need not only a trusted and reputable brand but a committed and trustworthy manufacturer as well. If you can trust the company that produces your natural health care products, then you can be sure about the quality and effectiveness of their produce.

Richard Dean F. Basa

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Most Effective Ways to Market Health Products

There is no shortage of health-related infomercials or pop-up ads circulating on the Internet and television today. In fact, the health industry relies on attention-grabbing headlines and quick bits of information to make customers pay attention. Marketing health products can be difficult in such a competitive market due to the wide range of products available.

Along with the usual methods, this often requires a need to support the claims being put forth by the company. This usually takes on a fact-based approach, providing statistics and research to support their information. You want to avoid false claims that may be harmful to an individual's health or life.

In order to provide statistics, a variety of research methods must be followed. Some companies choose to conduct scientific tests and others opt for a more generic approach. Scientific research will not only provide valuable data, but also prove to the company itself that the product works as expected.

There are three main strategies that can be used:

1.  Influencing of Potential Buyers.

In this case, health product marketing relies on influence to attract new customers. This type of marketing is often seen on late-night infomercials, complete with celebrity host. Using a popular or well-qualified spokesperson, the company attempts to sell their products by drawing the buyers into the opinions and claims of others. Many consumers associate a familiar name with trust, causing some companies to invest millions of dollars by marketing health products through a famous face.

2.   Association With Celebrity Endorsement.

Similar to the above-referenced method, this technique may also require the use of a celebrity. However, it is not the opinion of the famous individual that consumers are drawn to, it's the product itself. Fitness equipment, for example, is a popular product involved in marketing health products. When a muscle-bound celebrity fitness guru takes to the stage, viewers gain faith in the equipment. As they watch the spokesperson flex, they begin to believe that the product will provide them with the same results.

3.   Promotion of Health Benefits

Some products claim to have special health protection or prevention capabilities. When this type of strategy is used for the marketing of wellness products, the company will point out the reasons why you need to buy their product. This method may also include a direct comparison to other products on the market.

This is an area that deserves a lot of attention because of its close connection to people's health. It is important to take a step back and consider the facts and testimonials being provided, in order to avoid risking the well-being of viewers or consumers.

Nitin Chhoda has a blog on effective ways to market health products. His physical therapy newsletter service is available to medical professionals and comes with a money-back guarantee.

The Health Product Market During a Recession - Three Tips For Optimism and Product Positioning

With the economy hurtling downward, it's not a question of if the economy will affect your business - but to what extent. However, if you're selling health products, you've got some reasons to be optimistic. In fact, the health product market has a history of staying strong despite dips in the economy. And the reasons behind this staying power bodes well for health products today.

A recent survey conducted by Nutrition Business Journal and Avero Research found that 98% of American households spend at least a portion of their budgets on healthy foods. And better yet, on average consumers reported spending 51% of their household food budget on healthy foods.

Now admittedly, this survey was conducted in May 2008, before the real financial travails started, but when you look deeper into consumer thinking, you'll find three significant reasons to feel more positive about your health business' prospects over the next few months.

Furthermore, these 3 reasons provide great ways to position your products for the altered consumer mindset:

Optimism Reason #1

People see health as a wise investment: This election showed more than ever that people are hurting financially as a direct result of health problems. And as the Avero poll above demonstrates, people are using health, specifically preventative health, as a criteria for where to put their dollars.

Even more telling, people see better health as an investment in their careers. As Cara Morrison reported in her extensive report for Packaged Facts, Sport Nutritionals for Active Lifestyles in the US, sports nutrition products are not only used by people for sports performance improvement but increasingly for better performance outside of the gym. The benefits of increased energy, higher acuity and even better physical appearance resonate with consumers seeking to perform better at work.

And on the corporate side, corporations are rewarding employees for good health and investing in personal trainers and gyms to help them achieve it - because they know how much this pays off.

Positioning Tip #1

Position your product as a smart investment, an investment that will never be at the mercy of global economic fluctuations, investment scandals or government interventions. Place value on your product by comparing it to the costs of more costly interventions - prescriptions, medical bills or time lost from work.

Optimism Reason #2

People latch onto health as something they can control: In 2001, the Hartman Group, a Seattle-based market research organization that focuses on the natural health consumer, found to their surprise that sales of organic foods was not declining, despite the economic problems.

When they started to look into why organics had staying power, they found out that consumers did not perceive them as luxury items, but as essentials. But even more interesting, consumers reported again and again that purchasing healthy food was a way of maintaining some feeling of control in their lives when everything else seemed so out of control.

Positioning Tip #2

Position your product as something that gives your prospects' control over their lives. When they choose to take care of their health, they are making themselves invulnerable to whatever comes along. With good energy, strength, alertness and stamina, they can take on the changes up ahead and find a way to tackle problems. They are not held hostage by the fears of medical bills, or debilitating chronic disease. And within the health care world, they can advocate for themselves better with better information and be smarter consumers as a result.

Optimism Reason #3

Health care items can be smart and satisfying indulgences: With a tightening budget, consumers are putting off old rewards like big vacations, a new car or the latest electronics. But consumers are still looking for ways to feel good and treat themselves - even more than ever. As green marketing expert, Darrin Duber-Smith explained, with troubling financial times, people tend to nest more, taking care of themselves and their immediate retreat - their homes. Many health care products - from natural personal care items to tasty but healthy desserts - strike a chord with consumers looking for a guilt-free way to reward themselves and put a soothing balm on their stress-filled days.

Positioning Tip #3

Emphasize the nourishing, sensual nature of your products. If you sell a lotion, don't just talk about how good their skin will look, but talk about the scent, the feeling of putting it on, the experience of using it. If you have a wonderfully-flavored whey protein, suggest using it in a delicious smoothie treat when you get home from work. Promote a new cookbook as a replacement for those restaurant meals consumers have been cutting out of their spending habits.

For more ideas on how to strategically market your health products during a recession, take a look at my free report, 17 Health Copywriting Strategies for a Tough Economy, available at

Sarah Clachar is a freelance natural health copywriter and a contributing editor to Nutrition Business Journal. For more information about health copywriting and marketing or to inquire about her services visit her website.

The Health Products Business

With a large portion of Americans reaching retirement age, the health products business is larger than ever before. The people of the Babyboom generation are strongly concerned about their health and don't mind paying extra money for vitamins and natural supplements as long as they are confident in the products' ability to make them healthier. The advent of the internet has magnified the availability of these products and has made it easy for anyone to get into the business for themselves.

There are countless business out there that offer affiliate programs and franchises that allow you to get into the business immediately by selling their products for them. When starting your health products business, carefully look at all your options and go with the company that has been in business the longest and has the most credibility. There are new health products businesses springing up everyday and some are simply fly-by-night operations meant to take as much money as possible from you and then disappear.

Perhaps you're not looking to start your own health products business, but are simply trying to buy these products wholesale and save money. Most of the businesses out there offer discount programs where you can get the products you need for less money just as long as you purchase a certain amount each month. You may even enjoy the products so much that you find yourself telling other people about them and trying to convince them to buy. If this is the case, why not take the next step and inquire about the affiliate programs that the company offers, you might as well make money for it if you going to do it anyway!

If you have never taken health products such as vitamins and supplements before, you should definitely check them out. The food we eat contains fewer nutrients that it did in previous years because the soil is being used so much that it doesn't have enough time to regain the nutrients that are absorbed into the crops. Therefore, while it wasn't necessary to take these products in past, it's becoming increasingly important. Do yourself a favor and check out a health products business and see if there's a product that can help you with your current needs.

Dorothy Miller is a professional blogger. You can read her work on Cheap Health Insurance [] at that link.

The Workout Nation Membership

Who Else Wants To Drop 10 lbs of Body Fat In Half The Time It Takes With Traditional Fat Loss Programs?

Dear Friend,

You’ve been there. We all have. You first decide to lose weight for some reason.  Maybe a vacation, wedding, divorce, to attract someone, or maybe a new years resolution.

All motivated, you drive over to a traditional gym, listen to their boring speech, sign on the dotted line and get locked into an annual contract with additional hefty sign up fees.

Then you go out and get gym shoes, new workout clothes, try to look as good as possible for your first workout.

Which then brings us to the first day at the gym.

You walk in.  Look around.  You see 3 main areas.  The free weights, weight machines, and cardio machines.

First you see those guys using the dumbbells and barbells and some are looking pretty ripped.  You think, maybe I’ll stay away from them since they look like they know what they are doing and I might embarrass myself.

Then you go and look at the weight machines.  Maybe you decide to use one or 2.  At least they have labels on how to use them.  Push a couple of them around.

Or maybe skip them all together and go to the 3rd area.  Jump on a treadmill, elliptical machine, or bike for the rest of the time and watch tv.  (By the way, if you are able to watch tv while working out, you aren’t working out to an intensity high enough to even help your body.)

You are fairly consistent with your workouts…

Something happens. Weather conditions, work problems, the dreaded ‘no time’ excuse, ‘can’t wake up’ syndrome and before you know, you stop going.

You become frustrated that you are still overweight and not reaching your goals in and you think it’s your fault. You feel like you could use some help, but don’t know where to turn to.

Sounds familiar?

Well for one.  You are NOT alone.  And more importantly, it’s NOT your fault.

It’s been embedded into our system that gym’s are the solution when they are clearly not.

I hate to break the bad news to you but…

The Truth: A gym can actually be COUNTER PRODUCTIVE to your weight loss efforts.Here are just a couple reasons why:1.  Their weight machines promote un-natural movements.

A natural movement or functional movements by definition are movements based on real-world situational biomechanics that usually involve multi-planar, multi-joint movements, which place demand on the body’s core muscles.

Example: Seated leg curls on a machine are not functional.   It’s a movement we don’t use in real-world situations that make it un-natural.  In fact, it’s down right asking to damage your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)!

A great functional replacement exercise would be a squat. Functional in every day activity as picking things up off the ground, multi-joint in nature that alleviates stress on the ACL vs. seated leg curls.

Ever see a baby squat? Perfect form from the first time they do it.  That’s functional as our bodies were intended to move that way.Unfortunately, most of those machines in the traditional gyms provide similar negative consequences as my example above.

There are many reasons why we never hit the intensity we need.  Here’s a small list I created.

- Embarrassing your self in front of others
- Lack of equipment to keep track of managing your rest periods
- Busy talking to others
- Watching TV in the gym
- Waiting in line for a machine or weights to free up

If you are doing any of these, you are wasting your time!

Gyms try to be hands off.  They provide little to no instructions on using their equipment.

There’s nothing worse than going into something and training incorrectly.  In the end, you only get incorrect movements.  Incorrect movements are unsafe and can cause injury.

Most people like to go to gyms and just do workouts according to how they feel at that moment when they walk into the gym and even worse, they repeat the same workout every day.

The problem with repeating workouts is that the body will adapt to whatever you do and it will get easier each time. For your body to benefit from it again you have to do the workout harder and longer to continue getting results otherwise your results will taper off and decline considerably. You will hit the dreaded ‘workout plateau’.

Here’s an example.  Try running a mile every day.  By your 5th day, a mile won’t even get your heart rate up. You’d have to run 2 miles by that point to get the same benefit as day 1.

A stagnant workout routine will push you to the point of diminishing returns very quickly.Now a program is a series of workouts prescribed over a period of time to obtain a certain goal as efficiently as possible.

Now, don’t get me wrong, traditional gyms can be ok, but there are no good unless you know what you need to know once you get there.

The Solution: You, Me, and the Nation.

I created a virtual gym with my personally trained staff of experts to provide you the tools needed and personally guide you through my greatest program of all time no matter what your fitness level is which can be all be done at home.

A workout is never repeated and NEW workouts are added EVERYDAY.

Let me explain.

It’s not a muscle-building program.  It’s not fat loss program.  It’s not an endurance program.

It’s all of the above.

You see, no one would want to look like Mr. Olympia.  That’s not functional.  Mr. Olympia probably can’t run down 50 flights of stairs without running out of breath.

Also let’s look at the opposite… a marathon runner.  They can run down the 50 flights but isn’t strong enough to lift heavy furniture.

The Workout Nation prepares you for the BEST of ALL worlds.

It will help you look good at the beach. It will also help you run down a flight of stairs without losing your breath.

My goal to you is that you are good at all the physical attributes.  That truly is functional.

In return, your body will automatically adapt to where we want it to be.

Lean, fit, strong, and all your vital signs will benefit.

Your heart and lungs will function better. Your blood pressure and cholesterol levels will improve. Your energy levels and level of confidence will skyrocket. You will look good, feel good and most importantly, remain motivated with the fun exercise routines I have custom built for you.

“You, me and the thousands of other individuals who follow my programs – we are all part of ONE community, ONE nation.”

Come join us.

Come, and become a part of The Workout Nation.

Every single workout I created is added to this library and documented for your benefit so you always have a workout no matter what your situation is.

It’s like you have full access to my personal computer.

Inside The Workout Nation, my staff and myself will provide you every tool you need for your own individual situation to workout using proper form and to hit your 100% intensity.

My goal is to bring you all together as One Nation to keep you motivated and this program will update daily.

Now you will no longer need a gym, or if you still are stuck in your membership, you can now take advantage of those 11.5 months you have remaining, as you will now know what to do and what to avoid.

And What If I Told You That You Can Achieve It With a Investment of $14.95… Would You Do It?

Below is what is included with The Workout Nation Membership.

Introducing The Workout Nation Membership

Component #1: Workout Of The Day ($197 Value) – Updated DAILY are excitingly new, plateau busting, Full body functional workouts that were designed to hit all attributes of fitness so your body can be lean, fit, strong while your vital signs will benefit.

Component 2: Rapid Start Program ($37 Value) – The Rapid Start Program is a fast 2 week workout system that is strategically designed to ramp your body up to start performing the high intensity workout of the day program.  This will seamlessly train the body to do the fundamental movements needed without making you overly sore.

Component 3: Dynamic Warmups ($27 Value) – I do not recommend straight up stretching before a workout.  Think of a cold rubber band.  If you try to stretch it, it will snap!  All warmups include full body dynamic movements to fire the muscles up, increase your body temperature, and slowly stretch the muscles for a high performance workout.

Component 4: Cool Down Stretches ($27 Value) – Do not just drop to the ground after a workout!  Allow the heart rate to slowly come back down with these effect cool down videos.  While your muscles are still hot, it’s a perfect time to stretch.  This helps with fast muscle recovery and flexibility will be at it’s best.

Component 5: Pre-Programmed Interval Clock ($47 Value) – No more stop watches or guess work.  I have already programmed every single Workout Of The Day program to have an interval clock so you know when you start, switch, rest, and everything in between.

Component 6: Insider Consultation Directly With Me ($247 Value) – Should you have any questions about anything within The Workout Nation, you will have the opportunity to get them all answered directly by me inside the membership. This is the most valuable bonus I could ever offer.

And today, you have the opportunity to access the entire 6-component, $582 package for only:

And To Make This A No Brainer Decision…
All Members Will Get Special VIP Bonuses BelowIncluded With Your Membership Are
My Best Target Specific Programs

Bonus #1: 4-Minute Metabolic Mayhem ($39.95 Value) – These extremely metaoblic workouts have been designed to create massive afterburn and burn a TON of calories in 4-minutes flat.  These can be done on “off days”, or as back up workouts for any day you are unable to get your full workout in.

Bonus #2: 5-Minute Abdominal Accelerator ($39.95 Value) – Everybody wants accelerated abdominal development to use in conjunction with their current fitness program. These workouts are perfect for a quick abdominal blast on off days, or a great finisher to the workouts of the The Workout Nation Program.

Bonus #3: 6-Minute Arm Accentuator ($39.95 Value) – Arms are another one of those body parts that everyone wants to look their best, and we’ve got your ticket to the arms you’ve always wanted in just 6 minutes per session. For the gents, these workouts will help beef up your arms, for ladies, the sleek and sexy “toned” look.

Bonus #4: Instant Workouts – 16 Weeks To Six Pack Abs ($67 Value) – Instant Workouts is an abdominal goldmine designed as a 16 week body transformation journey with Arnel Ricafranca to go from Gut to Cut no matter what your fitness level.

Bonus #5: Explode Workout ($67 Value) – This explosive workout designed to recruit your fast twitch muscle fibers using explosively dynamic and timed movements to make you look like a lean muscular sprinting athlete vs the counterpart, a skinny-fat” marathon runner.

Warning: If you are LAZY and looking for a “magic pill” solution, this is NOT a program for you.

The fact of the matter is that The Workout Nation is not a “quick fix” by any means.  It’s a strategic and effective solution to get your body in the best shape ever.  I only want motivated and go getting individuals so we can grow as a nation to propel each other to the next level.

For those who are serious and who are ready to kick it into high gear, the The Workout Nation will absolutely yield faster results than anything else you have ever experienced, GUARANTEED.

“But What if it Doesn’t Work For Me?”

Listen, I know this system works, as do the hundreds of clients who have already experienced its rapid results first hand.  But at the same time, I understand that you still may be skeptical, and as such I want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you.

And for that exact reason, here’s what I’m going to do for you:  for each and every customer who orders, I’m going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee:

If you follow The Workout Nation programs exactly outlined in the materials and do NOT get better results than you have ever experienced, just contact us and we’ll refund your money.  It’s that simple.

I stand behind my product and if it doesn’t yield the results you are looking for when followed, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

Join me, my team, and The Entire Workout Nation, and I will see you inside the hangout.

Excited to work personally with each and every one of you.

Arnel Ricafranca, CF-L1, AFAA, C.O.R.E, NESTA, ASTI, CPT
Awarded by the “President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports”

P.S.  Remember, with my Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee,  I’m giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already have inside.  Grab it RISK-FREE today.

If You Still Have Questions, You Will Probably Find The Answer Below!

(Q) What If I have a lot of fat to lose?

Whether you’re already in “good” shape, or if you are just starting out, this program was designed to get you your body fit as fast as humanly possible.  Bottom line, whether you need to lose 10lbs or 50lbs or more, this is exactly what you need to get you there faster than any other workout system.

(Q) Why are the workouts so short?

Workouts don’t need to be long to be effective.  The secret of the system revolves around Intensity.  What is intensity?  In a nutshell, it’s Force x Distance / Time.

Here’s a detailed example.  If you were to do 50 pushups in 5 hours, how hard would that be?

Example, 180lb guy.  His intensity would be Force(180lbs) x Total Distance(1.5ft) x Reps(50) / 300min =  45 Intensity

Ok, now let’s take those same 50 pushups and complete it in 50 seconds (.8333 of a minute).  That’s how we get results.  That’s intensity.  Higher intensity, faster results.

Same Example, 180lb guy.  Force(180lbs) x Total Distance(1.5ft) x Reps(50) / 50seconds =  16,200 Intensity

Same workout, different results.

(Q) How often do you add workouts?

I will be adding a new workout everyday with myself and my personally trained team of instructors that I work with on a daily basis.

(Q) What if it doesn’t work for me?

Cancel Anytime!

These are the exact workouts that people pay me $147 dollars monthly at my boot camps, all yours for 94% OFF. These have been tried, tested, and formulated for optimal results.

Simply put, if you follow the my program exactly as outlined in the materials and for any reason you are NOT entirely satisfied with the results you achieve from your efforts, just contact us and we’ll refund your money.  It’s that simple.

I stand behind this product as a results producing program and if doesn’t yield those results for you as outlined, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt courteous refund.

As you can see, the burden to deliver is 100% on me—the only thing you need to do is let me prove it to you!

View the original article here